3rd i co-presents “Love, Simeon”

Root Division 1131 Mission St, San Francisco, United States

"Love, Simeon" is a motion-picture performance that conjures a portal to Simeon – a rhesus macaque in a primate testing facility. In cinematic dreams and séances, Simeon tells the story of SHIV – a chimeric construct created in a laboratory, so that a panacea might be found.

3rd i Presents “The Seeds of Vandana Shiva”

Roxie Theater 3117 16th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

FREE FILM SCREENING - tickets for admission become available at The Roxie one hour before the 7pm screening. Doors open at 6:30pm. How did the willful daughter of a Himalayan […]

3rd i presents: I for India

4 Star Theater 2200 Clement St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Special introduction in person by Falu Bakrania! Bakrania is a Professor of Race and Resistance Studies (RRS) in the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University and author […]

$12.50 – $15

3rd i Presents “Creature”

Roxie Theater 3117 16th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

FREE if you register in Eventbrite by June 4. $10 at The Roxie box office on June 5.  Ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creature-tickets-891231235617 Co-presented by Chitresh Das Institute and San Francisco Dance Film Festival In a dilapidated […]

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