Sharp, satirical, and highly popular sociopolitical Indian cartoonist Rachita Taneja is the subject of DRAWING A LINE, a documentary directed by Sama Pana, which premiered at the renowned Hot Docs Festival and won Best Documentary Series at Canneseries 2023. It wonderfully explores Rachita’s inner world and her creative expression as she confronts persecution and censorship with humor and honesty.
Taneja, using the pseudonym “Sanitary Panels,” creates stick-figure cartoons that challenge India’s deep-rooted myths and social and political taboos surrounding topics such as menstruation, mental health, freedom of speech, climate change, and LGBTQIA+ rights.
Taneja’s webcomics have garnered a large following among young liberals, but they also attract government scrutiny and suppression. The film reveals that, despite facing criminal prosecution, Taneja is dedicated to advocating for diverse communities in India and combating the erosion of free speech in the world’s largest democracy. This timely, inspiring and thought-provoking film provides an empowering example of resisting censorship and defending freedom of expression with bravery and creativity.